COSSUP C.A.R.E.E.S.: Saving Lives and Reducing Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths in Pennsylvania

COSSUP C.A.R.E.E.S.: Saving Lives and Reducing Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths in Pennsylvania

The opioid epidemic continues to ravage communities, transcending race, gender, disability, socioeconomic status, and geographic location. In 2022, on average, 218 people died every day from an opioid-involved overdose for a year-end total of 79,770 deaths. In...
Getting to the Root of Retail Theft: Building a National Model for Retail Theft Diversion with the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys

Getting to the Root of Retail Theft: Building a National Model for Retail Theft Diversion with the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys

Recently, New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell reported that nearly a third of the 6,000 arrests and rearrests for shoplifting in the city last year involved the same 327 people. The Commissioner went on to say victims concentrated...

Police-Led Deflection, a “No Wrong Door” Model for Reducing Jail Populations

THE NEED FOR SOMETHING OTHER THAN ARREST Researchers and practitioners often call jails in the United States “the new asylums” for the rising number of individuals they confine with behavioral health needs and substance use disorders. Some calculations estimate that...