Getting People Out of the System Quickly

Involvement in the criminal legal system creates cascading impacts on individuals, their families, and communities. We believe that getting people who are in the system out quickly is necessary to lessen collateral impacts. Safely and responsibly releasing people from the physical confines of jail as quickly as possible following arrest and booking is one step towards decreasing the negative impact of system involvement. However, we know that the system’s impacts compound as individuals navigate pretrial requirements, adjudication, and their sentence if found guilty, and individuals often become ensnared for reasons beyond their control. Dismantling practices that keep individuals entangled, and finding solutions that help individuals navigate legal steps more efficiently are crucial to getting people out of the system more quickly. Learn more about our projects dedicated to getting people who are in the system out quickly below.
Featured Projects
Building and Evaluating Tools Prioritizing Pretrial Release
JSP works across more than 20 jurisdictions to take a critical approach to building and/or implementing pretrial assessment tools prioritizing release.
Expanding Access to Programs Dismissing Charges
JSP works with local prosecutors and over 15 diversion programs to evaluate their effectiveness and expand pathways to these programs, eliminating the collateral consequences of a conviction and getting individuals out of the system more quickly.
Featured Resources
The Hard (Research) Truth about Pretrial Services
PET Network Automated Court Reminder System
Multnomah County Pretrial System Assessment
Electronic Monitoring: A Pretrial Release Option? Or, E-Carceration
Related Projects
Safety + Justice Challenge: Assisting Sites in Reform
Safety + Justice Challenge: Enhancing Equity Earlier in the System, the Pretrial Equity Transformation Learning Network
Building and Evaluating Tools Prioritizing Pretrial Release
Expanding Access to Programs Dismissing Charges
Implementing the Pretrial Fairness Act in Cook County
Reshaping Prosecutorial Charging Decisions and Centering Justice
Prosecutorial Discretion about Probation Revocations and Returns to Jail
Reconsidering the Look and Feel of Initial Court Appearances to Reduce Racial Disparities
Evaluating the Impact of COVID-Related Jail Reduction Efforts
Evaluating the Role of Drug Testing in Probation
Helping Judges Understand the Nuance of Pretrial Decisions
Creating Meaningful Initial Apperances in Court to Improve Pretrial Release
Evaluating Fewer and Behavior-Change Oriented Conditions in Iowa
Rethinking and Rewriting Probation Conditions in Monroe County, Indiana
Rethinking and Rewriting Probation Conditions for Specialized Populations in Idaho
Leveraging the Role of Prosecutors to Center Equity and Justice in Probation Revocations
Getting to the Root Cause of Retail Theft and Dismissing Charges
Enhancing Fairness and Equity in Arizona's Pretrial System
Related Resources
Understanding Court Appearance and Reframing Failure to Appear
Working Toward Pretrial Fairness in Cook County, IL
The Hard (Research) Truth about Pretrial Services
Rethinking Drug Testing during Pretrial
Equity through Action – A Tool for Action Planning through an Equity Lens
Impact of the PET Network
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