Centering People Who Remain in the System and Individualizing Services

Many people who remain in the criminal legal system experience system-sponsored programming through a one-size-fits-all approach. Evidence supports that the status quo is failing individuals and communities when it comes to personal wellbeing and engagement with the criminal legal system’s revolving door. We believe centering people who remain in the system and individualizing services leads to improved wellbeing and reduced interaction with the criminal legal system. When we center individuals, we see them authentically and with complexity— we acknowledge their unique experiences, traumas, needs, and preferences while celebrating their value and worth. We believe improving wellbeing for individuals and communities requires: dismantling policies that prevent criminal legal system personnel from treating people as unique and promoting individualized practices and treatments. Learn more about our projects dedicated to centering people who remain in the system and individualizing services below.
Featured Projects
Expanding Access to Opioid Treatment and Services Through an Equity Lens
JSP is working to address substance use and opioid use among individuals on probation by using a culturally responsive and equity lens that considers the uniqueness of individuals and the complex barriers they may face.
Rethinking and Rewriting Probation Conditions
JSP is working with various agencies to critically examine the challenges individuals face when navigating the rules of probation and parole. This work includes reimagining the rules and rewriting them to allow staff to treat people in the system as unique and complex individuals.
Featured Resources
Prioritizing Responsivity in the RNR Model
Drivers of Probation Revocation in Harris County
Related Projects
Rethinking and Rewriting Probation Conditions in Monroe County, Indiana
Evaluating Fewer and Behavior-Change Oriented Conditions in Iowa
Rethinking and Rewriting Probation Conditions for Specialized Populations in Idaho
Evaluating the Role of Drug Testing in Probation
Elevating Voices: Building Services for Youth by Youth, a Story told by Youth
Implementing a Consent Decree Related to Monitoring Practices
Addressing Service Gaps for Emerging Adults on Probation
Reducing Recidivism Among Emerging Adults on Probation
Implementing and Evaluating Emerging Adult Programs
Understanding the Impact of Armed Probation Officers
Expanding Access to Opioid Treatment and Services Through an Equity Lens
Implementing and Evaluating Emerging Adult Programs
Improving Assessment Tools in Probation
Safety + Justice Challenge: Supporting California Counties in Implementation of CA 1115 Medicaid Reentry Waiver
Using Technology for Good: Improving Employment Readiness Training with Virtual Reality
Exploring the Effectiveness of Legislation to Improve Probation
Developing Transformational Leaders
Assessing the impact of electronic monitoring
Prosecutorial Discretion about Probation Revocations and Returns to Jail
Improving the Implementation and Effectiveness of Probation Assessment Tools in Delaware
Coach (referee) Model for Change: Transforming Agencies into Coaching Organizations
Leveraging the Role of Prosecutors to Center Equity and Justice in Probation Revocations
Understanding the Impact and Effectiveness of Armed Community Supervision Officers for Behavior Change
Helping Multnomah County Adult Probation Center Individuals Under Supervision and Staff Wellness
Related Resources
Prioritizing Responsivity in the RNR Model
Drivers of Probation Revocation in Harris County
The Multnomah County Judicial Listening Sessions: a Case Study
COSSUP Enhancing Equity
COSSUP York County Strategies
COSSUP Dauphin County Strategies
COSSUP Executive Summary and Key Recommendations
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