Developing an Illinois Pretrial Tool

JSP, in partnership with the AOIC, is developing a statewide pretrial tool to standardize pretrial decisions throughout Illinois. The purpose of this work is to develop a set of assessment tools that support decision makers in improving equity, fairness, and success for individuals engaged in the pretrial phase of the criminal justice system.

This tool will consist of two tiers:

Tier I Assessment

Helps guide decision makers on the front end of the system on the level of success an individual has with minimal support, medium support, and maximum support.

Tier II Assessment

Help decision makers and pretrial support services provide individualized interventions that support the success of the person on pretrial supervision if/when released




Establish and convene a Steering Committee to identify representative jurisdications, provide oversight and communication to local and state stakeholders, and support the development and implementation.




Tier I: Collect existing data on people arrested/booked into jail representative of the state

Tier II: Collect needs/supportive data at release from jail representative of the state



Conduct validity and reliability analysis examining overall population and subgroups (e.g., females, people of color)



Work with the steering committee to develop a decision-making framework, training materials, and piloting of the tools to ensure useability and sustainability

Mark your Calendar for Upcoming Events

  • Next Steering Committee Meeting: May 11, 2023 at 12:00pm CST
  • Next Operations Workgroup Meeting: March 2023 (specific date TBD)

Timeline & Meeting Information

Steering Committee

Steering Committee

An open group that meets quarterly to provide input, feedback, and discussion around tool decisions and implementation. Check out our Meetings Resources page.

Operations Workgroup

Operations Workgroup

A closed group of system actors to provide context and discussion around operations within agencies to guide development and implementation. Check out our Meeting Resources page.

Additional Activities

Additional Activities

Other meetings and forums organized to support the overall project. Check out our Meeting Resources page.

Dec 2021

AOIC + JSP Project Kick off

January 2022 - February 2023

Collecting Data through Clerks' Systems and from Jails to Build Tier 1 Tool

March - April 2023

Analysis of Tier 1 Tool

April - May 2023

Review Tool with Stakeholders and Finalize Tier 1 Tool

May - June 2023

Pilot Tool with Pilot Training Materials

June 2023

Receive and Incorporate Training Materials Feedback

July 2023

Implement Tier 1 Tool Statewide

Project Resources

Project Overview

Tier I Data Needs

Contact Us About this Project

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