By JSP Team

As the end of the year draws near, we find ourselves taking time to reflect and would like to share a little bit about what we’ve been up to in 2018. First, we’d like to introduce you to our newest team members, Senior Associate Kevin Kuehmeier and Associate Christina Sansone. They’ve jumped right in and among other things, are busy working with sites involved in the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge as well as with sites that are implementing the Laura and John Arnold Foundation’s Public Safety Assessment. We’re thrilled to have them on board and encourage you to learn more about their experience and expertise by visiting our team page. This year has been incredibly rewarding for Justice System Partners, as we continue to work to improve the safety and quality of life for both justice-involved individuals and communities.

On a more personal note, each of us at JSP would like to take a moment to share about our lives outside the office. In her free time this year, Lore Joplin took an amazing trip to South Africa and Botswana – biking and hiking in reserves, spending time in Cape Town and Johannesburg, and thoroughly enjoying her first trip to Africa. She also notes that we’ve been privileged to continue our work with the Safety and Justice Challenge sites in their journeys toward reducing over utilization of jails and disparities in their systems. In her non-work time this year, Kate Florio built and maintained some new gardens in her yard. She’s found “dirt-therapy” to be a great break from screen time. And, her Boston Red Sox won the World Series so 2018 was a good year! For Kevin Kuehmeier, it has been a year of reflection and nostalgia as he retired from 25 years of service with the U.S. Courts-Probation and Pretrial Services. He is looking forward to entering the next chapter of life, impacting system change with JSP. Speaking of reflection, when looking back on the last year, Zach Dal Pra can’t help but be appreciative of all of our contractors and staff who make JSP the great place it is to work. On top of that, Zach notes that this year provided us the chance to spend the full year working with Sarah Galgano and a few months with our newest team members Kevin Kuehmeier and Christina Sansone; he loves having them on this ride.

Out in Colorado, Kristen Nielsen, her husband and their two toddler girls welcomed a new Beagle puppy into their family and have been busy planning their first family garden for next year. After three years of living in Massachusetts, Sarah Galgano, her husband, their twins and two dogs have decided to take the plunge and purchase a home in Andover. She is looking forward to immersing herself in the joys of homeownership during her free time. As mentioned earlier, Christina Sansone joined the JSP team this fall and feels so fortunate to help jurisdictions achieve their criminal justice reform goals. She has a canine co-worker at home who doesn’t quite understand that they can’t play all day, but she’s learned that phone calls mean she gets lots of treats.

As you can see, 2018 has truly been a wonderful year! From all of us at Justice System Partners, we wish you and your family Happy Holidays!!


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