Dylan Norris

Dylan Norris


Dylan Norris is an Associate at  Justice System Partners. She is a dedicated professional with a strong background in the nonprofit sector specializing in project development, implementation, and curation of various justice programs. In her most recent role as Justice Coordinator for a nonprofit in Louisiana, she was responsible for the facilitation of the Lafayette Reentry Coalition, two Justice and Mental Health Collaborative grant funded projects — Pre-Arrest Diversion Program and a Judicial Diversion for Mental Health Intervention Project, as well as managing the Department of Corrections Community Incentive Grant for Lafayette Parish called The Community Care Hub for Reentry. Dylan holds her Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and her Master of Social Work from New Mexico State University. Dylan’s passion for social and restorative justice approaches when working within the criminal justice space is what ultimately led her to JSP. 

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