Caring for People Who Care for System-Involved People

Interacting with the criminal legal system, whether directly or indirectly, can create lasting and compounding trauma for individuals. While people who navigate the system experience this trauma most directly, the system is also traumatic for families and communities affected by it and for staff who work within it. To reduce the collateral impacts felt by all who encounter the criminal legal system, there is a need to care for people who care for criminal legal system involved people. This includes developing training for law enforcement, court personnel, jail and prison staff, and probation staff that recognizes the trauma they encounter and provides strategies for coping. It also includes designing programs for criminal legal system staff aimed at mitigating stress and promoting workplace wellbeing. Recognizing the burden that system involvement creates for the broader society, our work also includes developing strategies for supporting families and communities.

Featured Projects

Developing Transformational Leaders

This multi-modal approach to leadership training takes a creative and inclusive approach to learning. JSP’s leadership training asks participants to lean into transformational practices, connect their work to their purpose, re-examine their role through an equity in the workplace lens, and create safe and inclusive spaces promoting staff wellbeing. 

Implementing the Coach(ref) Model for Change

JSP offers training, consultation, assessment, and technical assistance to assist organizations in creating a culture that supports the learning and growth of staff, in turn helping staff to foster learning and growth in those they supervise.

Featured Resources


Probation Officer as a Coach: Building a New Professional Identity

Videos for Community Supervision Professionals

Related Projects

Related Resources


Probation Officer as a Coach: Building a New Professional Identity

Videos for Community Supervision Professionals

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