Safety + Justice Challenge: Supporting California Counties in Implementation of CA 1115 Medicaid Reentry Waiver
One approach to reducing the reach of the criminal legal system on individuals includes developing policies, programs, and practices reducing the reliance on jails. Planning, preparing for, and implementing these strategies takes dedicated coordination and expertise.
Funded by the MacArthur Foundation, the Safety and Justice Challenge aims to change the way America thinks about and uses jails. As part of this work, JSP is collaborating with Safety and Justice Challenge sites in California and providing targeted prerelease MediCal services to individuals in local jails who meet the eligibility criteria. This ensures that individuals leaving incarceration have access to essential healthcare services, addressing their immediate medical needs and promoting continuity of care upon reentry. Leveraging MediCal services reduces the burden on local resources for healthcare provision, leading to more efficient use of taxpayer funds. Additionally, linking individuals with MediCal eligibility to services prior to release supports their successful reintegration into the community, reducing recidivism and enhancing public safety.
This collaborative effort aligns with broader criminal justice reform goals and promotes better outcomes for individuals transitioning from incarceration to the community.
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Pillars Guiding Our Work

Keeping People Out of the System

Keeping People Out of the System

Getting People Who are in the System Out Quickly

Getting People Who are in the System Out Quickly

Centering People Who Remain in the System and Individualizing Services

Centering People Who Remain in the System and Individualizing Services

Caring For People Who Care For People Impacted by the System

Caring For People Who Care For People Impacted by the System
We organize our work into four key pillars. The goal of these pillars is to eliminate the reach of the carceral state on people and communities, and to take care of people and staff impacted by involvement. At JSP, we acknowledge that structural racism exists both in society and within the criminal legal system. We also acknowledge an individual’s race, skin tone, gender, disability, sexuality, age, and income, and the intersection of these and other factors exacerbate the structural inequities they experience navigating the criminal legal system.
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